New stories from old trees...

Some come from Balkans, some are too old to know. They carry numerous memories within their texture and smell. And then one day, their way came into our golden hands to be unique and prepare for their new journeys… As we said, there is no story older than theirs. What’s next? Are you ready for the take a part them agelong journey?

Who are we?

As Woodybou, we examine the wooden structures that have completed their useful life in many countries, together with our expert team, carry out their planned dismantling and bring the obtained wood products back to the economy.

What are we doing?

We travel country by country, mountain and slope.

We take suitable structures, which are mainly made of oak, chestnut and pine trees, carefully dismantle them, and delicately purify them from metals such as nails.

In addition to parquet, table board, wall decoration panels and many other products, we provide all our products with the desired size, surface and humidity. We perform these operations on the right machines, with a team that does its job with precision and love.

We process most of the raw material at our own facilities in Croatia; we serve countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In order to give your living spaces the natural and adequate quality they deserve, we are constantly conducting R&D studies with our team.

We offer our products to your liking and use by always advancing with the understanding of "we never see what is not suitable for us as suitable for anyone else".



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Flat Table Surfaces

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Decorative Products

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Antique Turkish Terracotta Pots

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What is the old tree?

Does the tree or wood get old? In fact, it is not enough to describe this natural raw material as a wooden product or an old tree. It has challenged harsh climatic conditions for more than 100 years, gaining a more unique texture and resistance as it ages, This raw material, which has turned into a unique and very warm building and decoration material, comes to life with an endless simplicity when processed by the right hands.

Why old tree?

In our opinion, the answers to be given and the reasons to be counted on this subject fill very long pages. To summarize;

Unfortunately, we understand the importance of showing the respect it deserves to old trees that have been used as stove fuel in the wrong hands for years, and we believe that the right raw material should be used in the right area.

We think that the buildings that cause visual pollution should be brought back to the economy because they have completed their economic life.

We want to prevent the cutting of new trees.

We trust the power of the works we will create when we reprocess unrecognizable natural products with an artist's style, and we want to make magic touches to our living spaces.

Our Objective

We want to give you the opportunity to design unique living spaces in the comfort of your home by launching our shopping site, which we are in the process of completing, as soon as possible. At the same time, we aim to provide the support nature needs by preventing the cutting of new trees.